Jane Anya

Milan, Italy

Spacing in the food and restaurant industry, amongst marketing plans and hashtags, my life is revolving around one of the best pleasures in life: food. @thenerdcook

Carote carotose

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Scamone a pezzettoni in stufato Indiano

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Filetto di maiale

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Crema di cachi mela

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Ribs di maiale in salsa BBQ

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Noodles con pollo, burro di arachidi e verdure saltate

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Cavolfiore al garam masala

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Purè di cavolfiore

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Campanello (Beef Heel) e patate arrosto

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Broccolo Romanesco Sous Vide

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy


Jane Anya
Milan, Italy

Polpo e patate

Jane Anya
Milan, Italy