Tomahawk Steak - rare side of medium-rare
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Pro-level cooking techniques made simple.
Ingredients for 3
Tomahawk Steak
Steak splash from the Garlic Box
Step 1
Set the Sous Vide to 129.0 for 4 hours
Step 2
Rub steak splash on both sides of the streak and seal in a bag or use the submersion technique. Leave for 4 hours.
Finishing Steps
Step 0
Preheat grill for 10 mins up to 400°F. Remove from bag and pat dry. Place on grill and apply more steak splash. Turn 90 ° after 90 seconds
Step 1
Leave for another 90 seconds and then flip. Apply more steak splash to other side. Leave for 90 seconds and turn. Leave for another 90 seconds and remove from grill.
Step 2
Carve and enjoy.