Souse Vide Bird Bites


Just a casual smoker and Souse Vider

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An easy and tastes breakfast treat
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Pro-level cooking techniques made simple.

Ingredients for 1

  • Eggs

  • Other (see notes)


  • Step 1

    Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 172.0ºF / 77.8ºC.

  • Step 2

    Souse Vide Egg Bites **Instructions** Set the sous vide machine to 172°F. This is the common temperature for eggs and you can cook almost any egg recipe this way. -Crack the eggs into a blender or food processor and add the cottage cheese, heavy cream, spices, and hot sauce. -Blend on medium speed until just blended and smooth. You don't want to add extra air by blending on high. -Use the butter to lightly grease ten 4-ounce mason jars (or five 8-ounce jars). You can also easily double or triple this recipe, just use more jars! -If using bacon and vegetables, place these in the bottoms of the jars. Add the grated cheese to the jars. -Pour the egg mixture into the jars and hand tighten the lids (do not over tighten!). -Cook for 50 minutes if you are planning to reheat or one hour if you are planning to eat right away. -Remove from heat and refrigerate right away if not consuming immediately. In theory, these should last at least a week in the refrigerator because they were cooked at over 140 for over half an hour, but we've never had them last that long without being eaten!

    • Step 0

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172 F / 77.8 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time