Sous Vide Buffalo Chicken Wings


James Briscione is a renowned expert in sous vide, flavor science and modern cuisine. Among his accomplishments in the kitchen James became the first ever two-time champion of Chopped on the Food Network. He studied sous vide with Italian masters in Venice and has b ...

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Juicy, perfectly cooked chicken wings with no fuss and no mess. Cooking the chicken wings sous vide allows you to easily and quickly fry these wings in a small amount of oil, making them the ultimate recipe for make-at-home buffalo wings.
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Precision® Cookers

Perfect results in a few simple steps.

Ingredients for 4

  • 2 lbs chicken wings

  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt

  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic

  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika

  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar

  • 1/4 cup hot sauce

  • all purpose flour, as needed

  • frying oil

  • 4 tablespoons butter

  • 1/4 cup hot sauce/wing sauce


  • Step 1

    Set Anova precision cooker to 62˚C (143.5˚F).

  • Step 2

    In a large bowl, combine the chicken wings, salt, granulated garlic, smoked paprika, and sugar. Toss well to coat. Add the hot sauce and toss again. Transfer to heat proof and seal.

  • Step 3

    Cook the wings at 62˚C (143.5˚F) for 1 hour. Remove and cool slightly if frying immediately. To serve later, chill the cooked and store refrigerated. Wings may be fried from cold.

    • Finishing- Fry and sauce wings

    • Step 0

      Combine the wings and approximately 2 cups of all purpose flour in a large bowl. Toss wings to lightly coat with flour.

    • Step 1

      Pour approximately 1 inch of frying oil into a pan and heat to 350˚F.

    • Step 2

      In a separate pan, melt the butter and stir in hot sauce. For hotter wings, reduce the amount of butter.

    • Step 3

      Fry the wings until just browned and transfer to the sauce. Coat well with sauce and serve immediately.

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143.6 F / 62 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time