Thick Cut Costco’s Ribeye Steaks


Techie, Husband, Father of 4, Lover of Classic film, and Personal Freedom. Rice & Beans for me, The World for them! ₿ #Freedom #HODL #Bitcoin

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2hrs is best. It starts drying out a bit after more.
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Pro-level cooking techniques made simple.

Ingredients for 4

  • Uncle Chris Steak Seasoning

  • Thick Cut Costco Ribeye Steaks


  • Step 1

    Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 129ºF / 53.9ºC

  • Step 2

    Season and seal steaks

  • Step 3

    Sous vide for two hours at 129°F

  • Step 4


    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      Sear on a Wood Fire

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129 F / 53.9 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time