Trader Joe’s Shrimp Seafood Burgers

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An excellent way to cook Trader Joe’s shrimp seafood patties, maintaining a succulent, flavorful shrimp patty.
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Ingredients for 1

  • Trader Joe’s Shrimp Burger

  • Butter (optional)


  • Step 1

    Remove the frozen shrimp patty from the box. Inspect the plastic packaging to ensure that there are no holes. If the plastic packaging is sound, it is ready to submerge in the water bath. If not, remove from packaging and place in a new bag

  • Step 2

    Submerge the frozen patty into the water bath. Start the sous vide. The shrimp will defrost as the water heats

  • Step 3

    When finished, remove the shrimp from the water bath. Do not exceed 30 mins cooking time.

    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      Heat frying pan (with or without butter, I prefer butter) on medium-high heat.

    • Step 1

      Sear on both sides until, and remove from pan when internal temp reaches 145°

    • Step 2

      Serve as desired and enjoy!

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135 F / 57.2 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time