Sous Vide Pork Loin


Hailing from New Jersey, Vincent is one of our favorite #anovafoodnerds. You can catch him on Instagram @theironspork, where he's constantly cranking out delicious, perfectly cooked food. He's got a mad set of sous vide skills, and uses Anova to ensure his food is done ...

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This sous vide pork loin recipe guarantees perfect results every time. With sous vide, it's impossible to overcook, and ensures your pork comes out juicy and tender every time.
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Precision® Cookers

Sous vide made easier than ever.

Ingredients for 8

  • 5 pound center cut pork loin

  • 2.5 Tablespoons kosher salt

  • 2 Tablespoons sugar

  • 1 Tablespoon smoky salt seasoning

  • 2 Tablespoons butter


  • Step 1

    Set Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 137°F / 58.3°C

  • Step 2

    Score fat on pork loin. Season with salt, sugar, and smoke seasoning. Cover with plastic wrap and let dry-brine in refrigerator for 5 hours, up to overnight.

  • Step 3

    Remove from fridge, pat dry, and place in vacuum bag or gallon size freezer bag (You can split roast into two if necessary to accommodate bag size). Cook for 2.5 hours.

    • Oven Finish

    • Step 0

      Preheat oven to 500F.

    • Step 1

      Remove pork from bag, dry off. Place in oven, in pre-heated pan, for 10 minutes. Flip halfway through for perfect sear.

    • Step 2

      Slice and serve! Perfectly cooked pork loin.

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137 F / 58.3 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time