Sous Vide Flourless Lemon Chia Jar Cake


Chef Nicole is our Content Development Chef at Anova Culinary, devoted to help making your sous vide recipe dreams come true and writing informative blog posts to aid you along the way. She attended culinary school at Ecole Ritz-Escoffier at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, Fra ...

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So, there's a local bakery that makes these insanely delicious Paleo Lemon Chia cakes, and I would buy myself one each week when I did my personal grocery shopping. I swore that I would figure out how to make these almond-flour-based treats for myself, and tested these umpteen times before finding the perfect combination of ingredients. These moist muffin-like cakes are the healthy, flourless alternative to lemon poppyseed cakes of yore, and oh-so-fantastic paired with a fresh cup of coffee or tea! They each have 7g of protein, 18g fat, and less than 3 net carbs per cake if you use a sugar substitute, so each one will keep your body satisfied for HOURS!
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Precision® Cookers

Perfect results in a few simple steps.

Ingredients for 4

  • 2/3 c/65g almond meal/flour

  • 3 Tablespoons/40-45g granulated sugar/granulated sugar substitute such as Xylitol, Erythritol, monk fruit sweetener

  • 1 Tablespoon/12g whole chia seeds

  • 1 Tablespoon/6g coconut flour

  • 1 teaspoon/4g baking powder

  • 1/4 teaspoon lemon extract

  • 1 egg

  • 2 Tablespoons avocado oil/vegetable oil

  • 1 Tablespoon water

  • Extra equipment: 4 4oz/125ml canning jars

  • Optional: zest of 1 lemon, as ingredient OR garnish!


  • Step 1

    Set the Anova Precision cooker to 185ºF/85ºC

  • Step 2

    Combine the dry ingredients in a small mixing bowl

  • Step 3

    Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients. Mix until the batter is smooth

  • Step 4

    Set up your jars on a work surface and grease with cooking spray or extra oil. Divide the batter evenly among the 4 jars. Attach the lids to "fingertip tightness" - slightly loose, what you can achieve by closing the jars with just your fingertips. This will allow the air pressure inside the jars to escape while cooking, ensuring that they do not shatter in the bath

  • Step 5

    Place the jars in the bath and set timer for 90 minutes

    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      Remove from the bath and either enjoy straight from the jar or loosen the edges with a butter knife and invert onto a small plate for serving. Garnish with fresh lemon zest, additional chia seeds, and/or confectioner's sugar if desired!

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185 F / 85 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time