Sous Vide Cheesy Bacony Groovy Burger


Serving up some of Dallas/Fort Worth's best sous vide eats, Nick Roush is one of our favorite #anovafoodnerds! Constantly cranking out delicious food with the aid of Anova, and sharing his best recipes with all of us!

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If you want a super cheesy, bacony sous vide burger then this is your jam.  Prepping ahead of time makes everything come together in a few minutes. After I got about half way through this I realized it needed some more acid, so I added some pickled peppers. So depending on how meaty and cheesy you like it, you might consider adding some sort of pickle to this recipe. 

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Ingredients for 2

  • 1 lb ground ribeye steak NOTE: Can sub 80/20 ground beef

  • 6 slices bacon

  • 4 slices American cheese

  • 4 egg yolks

  • 2 T Dijon

  • 1 T soy sauce

  • Tapatio hot sauce to taste

  • 3 cloves smashed garlic

  • 1 C olive oil

  • 1 C canola oil

  • Salt

  • 1 LB Sweet Onion

  • 2 Hamburger Buns


  • Step 1

    For the onions: Thinly slice the onions

  • Step 2

    Heat a large pan over medium heat

  • Step 3

    Add enough olive oil to coat the pan

  • Step 4

    Add onions, mix to coat oil on onions. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes, turning onions once or twice

  • Step 5

    Lower to medium/low heat. Cook for an additional 30-45 minutes stirring occasionally

  • Step 6

    Onions should not be charred, but super translucent and potentially browned. You can cook these up to 5 days in advance.

  • Step 7

    For the Aioli: Add egg yolks, dijon, soy sauce, Tapatio, and garlic into stand mixer

  • Step 8

    Mix on low for a few minutes until yolk begins to look thick

  • Step 9

    Slowly begin to add the oil

  • Step 10

    Once all oil is added salt as desired

  • Step 11

    Burger time: Set Anova to 133F

  • Step 12

    Form ground beef into two equal sized patties. Make sure they are a little bit bigger than your bun. You want these to be pretty thick

  • Step 13

    Cover in salt and pepper and then add each patty to a separate Ziploc.

  • Step 14

    Add to the water bath using the water displacement method and cook for 1.5 hours

  • Step 15

    Once finished remove from bath and bags, pat dry, and let sit for 10 minutes

  • Step 16

    Bacon: While the burger is taking a bath, prep the bacon

  • Step 17

    Set oven to 350F

  • Step 18

    Arrange bacon on wire rack on baking sheet

  • Step 19

    Cook bacon for 40 minutes, flipping halfway through

    • The Build

    • Step 0

      Once everything is prepped it is time for the finishing touches

    • Step 1

      Put buns on a tray and into the oven to warm and lightly toast. You can add the bacon to this tray if you prepped it in advance

    • Step 2

      Add some oil to a skillet over medium high heat and add the onions and let warm and brown for 3 minutes stirring a few times. Remove from pan.

    • Step 3

      Add butter into the pan, let it melt and get bubbly. Add the burgers and sear for one minute then flip

    • Step 4

      Top patty with onions and cheese, bacon, onions, cheese, bacon, cheese and let go for a minute longer

    • Step 5

      Place bottom bun on plate.

    • Step 6

      Top with the patty

    • Step 7

      Add aioli to top bun

    • Step 8


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133 F / 56.1 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time