Not your Nonnas Italian Beef


Hailing from Parts Unknown, Bear is a wizard in the kitchen. Cranking out some of the finest sous vide eats far and wide. He has a knack for down home comfort food and uses his Anova to make sure it's done perfectly, every time.

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Ingredients for 1

  • 5 pounds of well marbled chuck roast

  • 1 Jar of fav marinara sauce , roasted garlic or tomato basil work best

  • 1 jar of Sweet Cherry Peppers

  • 4 packets of Italian Salad Dressing mix

  • 2 Table spoons of Italain Seasoning

  • 2 Table spoons Black Pepper

  • 3 Table spoons Garlic Power

  • 2 Tabespoons Smoked Paprika (reg will work if you only have this)

  • Ice cude tray ( yeah ..i know its weird but it will make sense later )

  • Optional : Mushrooms, as much or as little at you want


  • Step 1

    Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 187ºF / 86.1ºC

  • Step 2

    For the crowd that use the water displacement method you can still do this step or just add a 1 cup of sauce and about 12 cherry peppers with the juice squeezed into the bag when you bag the meat. For those with a vacuum sealer, I know this may seem weird at first, but I hope it opens your mind to a world of other possibilities...

  • Step 3

    Remove the stems from the cherry peppers and squeeze the excess juice back into the jar. Do your best to try and get as many seeds out as possible. Let peppers aside in small bowl

  • Step 4

    Now spoon some of the sauce into about half of the ice cube tray. In the other half stuff the peppers. Then spoon some of the excess liquid form the jar cover the peppers. Place in freeze until frozen.

  • Step 5

    If you have a larger roast , break it down into to two manageable pieces.

  • Step 6

    Then trim off all of the large hard chucks of fat and discard. It will not break done during the cook and will make for a better end product.. You should be left with pieces that look like little steaks.

  • Step 7

    From there you are going to want to cut those pieces into about 1 inch chunks

  • Step 8

    Now place all of the meat in a large container and add the salad dressing mix, Italian seasoning , smoked paprika, black pepper, and garlic powder. Mix till everything is coated evenly. You may be asking yourself why there is no salt added. Your salt in this recipe comes from the salad dressing mix. Don’t add anymore at this point. At this point you can add the optional mushrooms as well

  • Step 9

    Now divide the meat into four equal portions. Place one portion of meat into your choice of either 2 vacume bags or 2 zip top bags. Next add four of the marinara cubes and three of the cherry pepper cubes that you froze over night.

  • Step 10

    Now add the remaining two portions of meat into the two separate bags. Seal the bags if necessary. I always recommned doing two separate seals on each end of the bags if you are using vacume sealer due to the high heat of this recipe. Always better to be safe than sorry. For the Zip Top Bag crowd. Just make sure that you are using heavy duty bags.

  • Step 11

    Drop the Bags into the water bath. After 12 hours place the content of the bag into a large bowl and taste for seasoning. The meat should still hold together but then be fork tender.

    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      My Fav this to do with this is to place on a butter toasted bun and top with a slice of provolone cheese and some sliced pepperoncini peppers. But the sky is really the limit when it comes to wait to do with the meat. It can be placed over polenta or rice or added to marinara and placed over pasta. There is really no right or wrong way to eat it.

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187 F / 86.1 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time