Kalbi Chicken Thighs

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Simple chicken recipe that'll yield delicious results with low effort.
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Ingredients for 2

  • Boneless Skinless chicken thighs

  • Kalbi marinade, store bought or homemade


  • Step 1

    Marinade chicken for at least 4 hours, preferably over night, I marinate mine in the bag to preserve marinade and for convenience.

  • Step 2

    Set Anova to 147° Fahrenheit with a cook time of 2 hours

  • Step 3

    When the cook time is done I recommend shocking your meat in a ice bath for thirty seconds to a minute, or remove from the bag and refrigerate for up to ten minutes. This step isn't completely necessary BUT, it does help provide a cushion for getting a dark sear (pretty much a char) for authentic kalbi flavor. It will help prevent overcooked chicken as well. If shocking in an ice bath, remove (after shocking) from bag and dry on paper towel until its time to sear. If refrigerating, remove from bag and place on paper towels uncovered in the fridge until ready to sear.

    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      Heat a cast iron skillet or another type of heavy bottom pan, or a grill (as hot as it gets) if you have access, to medium high heat. Add a drizzle of your preferred oil with a high smoke point. I recommend avocado oil or Grapeseed. Make sure the chicken is dry and the skillet is just before smoking, add chicken and press down firmly to get as much contact as possible. Sear until some charring occurs, flip and repeat. Make sure not to overcrowd the pan to avoid having to sear longer than necessary. Serve however you desire. I usually eat it with rice and kimchee, or pan seared veggies. I've also made Asian fusion tacos and chopped it up for chicken fried rice.

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147 F / 63.9 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time