Homemade Goat Cheese Easy


Always loved cooking. Went to CIA to get my bachelor's degree in Culinary Arts Management years ago. Using this time during the pandemic to learn more about cooking with Sous Vide methods.

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This is a super easy way to make fresh creamy goat cheese at home. I prefer this recipe to the other one I have posted, however it uses citric acid which you may need to order online.
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Ingredients for 0

  • 1/2 Gallon Fresh, Not Pasteurized, Goats Milk

  • 1 1/2 Teaspoon Citric Acid

  • 1/4 Cup Water

  • 1 Teaspoon Salt


  • Step 1

    Fill Sous Vide container with room temperature. Place citric acid and water into bag with water, mix till dissolved. Add milk. Add bag to Sous Vide set up and turn on.

  • Step 2

    Let Sous Vide come to temp. Occasionally agitating bag with tongs. You will see the milk start to separate.

  • Step 3

    Once at temp. Turn off sous vide. Let set for 10 minutes. Then pour into colander lined with a high quality cheese cloth. The curds are supper tinny. So if you have the cheap cheese cloth with large holes you will loose it all. I typically pour this into a lined colander in the sink. I put a bowl under the colander to catch the first bit in case I mess up. :)

  • Step 4

    Once most is the liquid is drained. (About an hour.) Add salt and stir.

  • Step 5

    Gather up cheese cloth, tie and free hand for an hour. I tie it to a wooden spoon and hang over the sink.

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185 F / 85 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time