Egg Slut

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The “slut” is a coddled egg on top of silky smooth potato purèe in a glass jar, served with slices of baguette. When you first dunk the slice of bread into the jar, the egg explodes its yolky goodness and combines with the potato purèe. This creates a yolky, potatoey mixture that is a must !
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Ingredients for 6

  • 6 Large Eggs

  • 2 Large Potatoes (for making purée / mash)

  • 20g Slightly Salted Butter

  • 20ml Milk or Cream

  • Chives for garnish

  • 130ml canning jar with lid


  • Step 1

    Set sous vide machine to 65C/149F

  • Step 2

    To make the purée / mash potatoes start by peeling the potatoes and cut into large chunks. Cook in a large saucepan of boiling salted water for 20 minutes or until very tender but not falling apart

  • Step 3

    Drain potatoes well. Return to saucepan over low heat. Shake pan gently until any remaining water evaporates. Using a potato masher, roughly mash potatoes.

  • Step 4

    Add butter and milk or cream to potatoes. Beat with a wooden spoon until fluffy. Season with salt and pepper. For smooth mash / purée press mixture through a fine mesh sieve or beat with an electric hand mixer until the potatoes are silky smooth.

  • Step 5

    Place the potato purée / mash in a piping bag and pipe the mixture into each mason jar, about 1/3 full. Crack one egg on top of the potato purée, and put the lid on each jar (finger-tip tight).

  • Step 6

    Gently place the sealed jars in the bath for 30 minutes.

    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      Remove the jars from the water with tongs, open the lids, and garnish with a sprinkle of chives. Mix the eggs, potatoes and chives together, and enjoy this heavenly combination with toasted bread or a fresh baguette.

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149 F / 65 C Recipe Temp
Recipe Time
Prep Time