Boneless Pork Chops
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Precision® Cookers
Perfect results in a few simple steps.
Ingredients for 4
5 pork chops
Olive oil
Fresh cilantro sprigs
Step 1
Put 3 smaller chops in one bag and 2 larger chops in the second bag. Sprinkled generously with Montreal Steak Seasoning and then added a cilantro sprig and a splash of EVOO to each bag. Cooked 1.5 to 2 hours at 135 F. Sealed with vacuum and sealing appliance with single use sous vide bags. Dried well with paper towels. Finished on very hot outdoor grill. This was the first time I worked with thick pork chops. I used too much seasoning. Use less next time. I cooked the chops at 133.5 and we all agreed that they should be a little more done. I have adjusted the temp to 135p for the next time I cook them. Photo: on the grill...first side starting.
Finishing Steps
Step 0
Revision: 20200802 Cooked thinner chops at 135 for 2 hours. A bit dry. Oh, too much salt. Recipe has been revised for 134.5F.