White Asparagus

Anova Culinary

That’s by far the best way to cook white asparagus


Julian N. Petrow

First of all I am a home cook with a lot of passion for food (but also drinks).

Prep Time: 00:10

Recipe Time: 00:30

Temperature : 183.2F / 84C



  1. Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 183.2ºF / 84.0ºC.
  2. Peel the asparagus and cut off the wooden ends
  3. Place in a vacuum bag and season
  4. Vacuum the asparagus and place the bag in the Sous vide bath

  1. Discard the cooking liquid and serve the asparagus as a side dish as you desire with lemon juice, molten butter or sauce hollandaise