Tribute Sous Vide McRib

Anova Culinary

True to the motto: "Everything that the golden M can do, I can do" - today a brash copy of the McRib. The burger patties are of course pork...


Alex Gemmeke

As far as stereotypes go, yes I do love meat and beer - although this is pretty much where it stops. I definitely am not a meat-and-potatoes person and enjoy diverse influences and styles of food.

Prep Time: 00:15

Recipe Time: 01:30

Temperature : 154.4F / 68C



  1. Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 68ºC / 154.4ºF
  2. Form four patties of pork with garlic powder, onion powder, brown sugar and salt, and pepper. Then place them side by side and never above each other in Zip-Loc bags, add one rosemary spring per bag. Seal the bags under the water immersion technique and let them bathe for 90 minutes.

Dressing the burger

  1. Just before the end of the cooking time, slowly heat up the BBQ sauce (preferably a simple, commonly available sauce, with a little more tomato in the mix) adding a little butter. At the same time preheat the burger bus in the oven. When the cooking time is over, remove the bags from the water bath and take the patties out of the bag, then tab them dry neatly. Heat some butter in a frying pan and then sauté the patties from each side, then turn them nicely in the BBQ sauce and place them on the burger buns. Garnish with onions and pickled cucumbers.