
Anova Culinary

55°C is 131°F


Josh W

Prep Time: 00:20

Recipe Time: 05:00

Temperature : 131F / 55C



  1. Set SV to 131°F/5 hrs.
  2. Pat Tri-Tip dry and trim.
  3. Season generously with SPG, vac seal, and drop into SV.
  4. Remove from bag, pat dry.
  5. Ice bath in fridge for 30 minutes

Finishing Steps

  1. Lightly coat each side with Kewpie mayo and drop into screaming hot CI skillet. Sear for about 2 minutes per side.
  2. Let it stand for about 5-10 minutes off the heat before slicing up and serving.
  3. Skip the first two Finishing Steps and go to next step if doing Raclette.
  4. Pat dry and thinly slice/prep for raclette plates.