
Anova Culinary

Spareribs are awesome. This is my basic version preparing with some spices. Use any rub you may like, like your own or from a store. This recipe is for an oven and not a BBQ or smoker. But do if have one. My complementary sauce (amounts are on your preference): - 500ml Coca cola (the naughty one, no light or zero!) - onions - butter - garlic (fresh or smoked) - sun dried tomato paste - smoked paprika powder - 1 red hot pepper - 1 or 2 star anise - cumin powder - thyme - pimento (roast and grind before) > Cut onions into small cubes and caramelize in butter until brown (may take 20-40 mins on low heat, while you keep stirring) > Add spices to infuse for a few minutes. > Add tomato paste (a tablespoon should dissolve and act as a binding agent) > stir paste for a minute so it gets heated and turns sweeter > add cola in small amounts at the time (let the carbon-dioxide work out first!) > Let all the ingredients simmer for at least 2 hours and let it even rest over night > reheat if necessary (for sieving) > sieve sauce into another pan > boil the sauce down to the desired thickness. Prepare this sauce a day before so the flavors can mix and infuse in the meantime. Optionally add some bourbon, whisky or other sweet liquor for extra sweets. Disclaimer: Your taste and devices may work different than mine. Use amounts that fit your preference or start with less Happy cooking!


Paul A

Prep Time: 00:15

Recipe Time: 12:00

Temperature : 149F / 65C



  1. Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 149.0ºF / 65.0ºC.
  2. Remove membrane
  3. Coat ribs with mustard all around
  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper
  5. Dust with smoked paprika, cumin, onion powder and garlicpowder
  6. Put ribs in a bag with a knob of butter and seal or close
  7. Let them sit for the first eight-ish hours at 65C and then raise temperature to 72C (or do 72C from the start for more tenderness)
  8. When done cooking, dry them with a paper cloth
  9. Either throw them on the BBQ or oven at high temperature
  10. For oven, preheat to 230C and let get browned (15-30 minutes) and keep watching them!
  11. Enjoy!

  1. Have a preheated oven at 230C
  2. Glace ribs with sauce from description
  3. Brown / sear for 15-20 minutes
  4. Pull them out a few times to reglace and turn them. About 3 times.
  5. Keep watch so they don’t get burned!