
Anova Culinary

Serve with your own chimichurri sauce/oil that you like, or serve with fresh lime slices.


Josh W

Prep Time: 00:15

Recipe Time: 08:00

Temperature : 131F / 55C



  1. Pat dry pichana well.
  2. Cut picanha into individual steaks.
  3. Season with salt and pepper and garlic powder (GP optional).
  4. Bag and vac seal picanha.
  5. Set IC to 131 F and once it reaches temperature, SV for 8 hours.
  6. Remove from bag(s) and pat dry.

Finishing Steps

  1. Bring CI or CS pan to high heat. Thinly coat steaks with avocado oil or a thin layer of mayo. Sear for one to two minutes per side.
  2. Serve with your side(s) of choice and top with chimichurri oil/sauce, or lime slices.