
Anova Culinary

This recipe is simple, easy and full of all the vitamins that the patatoes are rich with great taste. Use them for salades or bake them. Enjoy!


Flip De wit


Prep Time: 02:00

Recipe Time: 02:00

Temperature : 186.8F / 86C



  1. Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 186.8ºF / 86.0ºC.
  2. Put the patatoes with skin, salt, rosemary, butter, oil, and one whole red pepper in a bag.
  3. Put it in the water bath when the temperature is set.
  4. Take Them out when finished and put them in a cold water bath

Grill Them, Bake Them, Saladefy Them , But Most Of All Enjoy Them!

  1. Enjoy!