Dirty water hot dogs

Anova Culinary

My personal street dog recipe.


Food Nerd

Avid foodie in need of a serious intervention!

Prep Time: 01:00

Recipe Time: 01:00

Temperature : 140F / 60C



  1. Mix all of the 'dirty water' flavor ingredients in a foodsaver freezer bag
  2. Add the hotdogs to the mixture so that they are fully submerged in the bag (add 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar if/as necessary) and freeze the open bag with at least 2.5 inches of clearance for vacuuming
  3. When fully frozen, vacuum the bag and store in a freezer
  4. Preheat water to 140 degrees
  5. Place frozen pouch completely submerged in a 140 degree water bath for at least 50 minutes
  6. With at least 10 minutes to go warm, butter and toast the hot dog buns as desired
  7. Add catsup, mustard and relish to buns to taste
  8. Cut open the pouch, drain the fluid and place the dogs in the prepared buns

Finishing Steps

  1. Enjoy!