Celeriac Cheese Terrine

Anova Culinary



Prep Time: 01:15

Recipe Time: 01:15

Temperature : 185F / 85C



  1. Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 185.0ºF / 85.0ºC.
  2. Peel the celeriac (mind your fingers!)
  3. Cut the celeriac in slices of about a quarter of a centimetre
  4. Cut them into a nice and even square.
  5. Cut slices of old Dutch cheese to the same size and shape, and alternate the layers of cheese and celeriac
  6. Pop the whole block into the vacuum bag with some butter and sous vide it at 85 degrees Celsius for 75 minutes.
  7. When it’s done, put the vacuum bag in the fridge for at least an hour to allow the terrine to solidify.

  1. Take the terrine out of the fridge, carefully remove it from the vacuum bag and slice it into the size of your ideal portion.
  2. Heat some butter or oil in a frying pan, with some salt and pepper. When it’s hot, carefully place your terrine portions into the pan. It’s delicate, so don’t move it around unnecessarily. Allow the first side to brown lightly, and repeat for all sides.
  3. Serve on a plate.