Cod With Grain

Anova Culinary

250 grams of Grain in sauce with water for at least 6 hours. Then pass through water twice and place in the pressure cooker covered with water and a teaspoon of salt. leads to the fire when the whistle of the pan starts to rotate puts if the lime in the minimum for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes later it turns off if the fire and lets stay until the cover can be removed. Drain the water from the pan For the sauce, chop if an onion, cover it with olive oil. Then chop a bunch of parsley (to taste). The cod packed in vacuo and placed in the water for thirty-five minutes in sous vide.


Armando Areias

Murgh Makhani

Prep Time: 00:40

Recipe Time: 00:35

Temperature : 149F / 65C



  1. Set your Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker to 149.0ºF / 65.0ºC.
  2. The cod packed in vacuo and placed in the water for thirty-five minutes in sous vide.

cod with cooked chickpeas in sous vide

  1. Put the chickpeas on the plate
  2. The codfish
  3. Sauce