Baby's First Meal

Anova Culinary

When your baby is 4 month old, it is acceptable to start feeding him with mashed food. Instead of steaming the food, let's sous vide it. This recipe is good for many kinds of fruits and vegetables. With this method you get much more intense taste, and you keep all vitamins and nutritions.


Guy Yafe

Prep Time: 01:00

Recipe Time: 01:00

Temperature : 185F / 85C



  1. Vaccum and cook each ingredient separately.
  2. Cook 85/4 until purée like texture.
  3. Mash each ingredient either with a fork or in a blender.
  4. Keep the mashed meal in ice cubes dish.

Finishing Steps

  1. When serving, remove one frozen cube, warm gently and serve to your beloved baby.